Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Our Halloween DIY

My boyfriend and I wanted a couple's costume this year. The decision...

Woody & Bo Peep!

The dress was long, but I folded it up under the corset ($6 on Amazon). I found the bonnet on etsy ($4) and my uncle made the staff out of plastic piping. His shirt is from the thrift store and we stuck black felt spots onto a white vest with double-sided tape. 

I'd call it a success and everyone knew who he was immediately. My staff and bonnet didn't last long so it took people a little longer to figure it out.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

First Post!

Hello visitor and welcome. If you said the title of this blog in your best Luna Lovegood voice, we should probably become friends. If you're smiling because you now know where you've heard that phrase, you're cool too. All you non-Potterheads are missing out.

That's not what this blog is about though. It will hopefully be at least mildly entertaining. It will probably be quite random. Check me out on Pinterest because that will be where lots of my ideas come from:

So please keep coming back for more and feel free to invite me to your blog! Get ready for me blogosphere.


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