Saturday, April 19, 2014


I've been super busy this semester, but one of the things that has kept me sane is yoga. Here are some of the challenge poses I'm working towards...

Saturday, June 29, 2013


I've been a fan of Sarah Kay, a spoken word poet, for a while now. You can check out her poems at if you'd like. Here are some of my favorite quotes:

"There is nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shore no matter how many times it's swept away." (Point B - click the bandaid)

"Practice does not make perfect. Practice makes permanent." (Postcards - click the postcards on her page)

"I love hands like I love people. They are the maps and compasses with which we navigate our way through life." (Hands - click the compass on her page)

And with a little inspiration from "Postcards" I came up with "Is There A Word?"

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Cold Brew Coffee, Coffee Cubes, COFFEE SODA

So I found this place called Tree Spirit Coffee, which is literally just a trailer in some parking lot off-campus by Ohio State (for now). Check them out on Facebook if you'd like. The owner, Alison Ortega, was an undergrad at OSU and felt it needed a place that specialized in coffee. The Lantern did a nice article on it here.

The point of this post being... I've discovered cold brew coffee and this miraculous thing called coffee soda. Unfortunately, I don't spend my summers in Columbus so I no longer walk past Tree Spirit daily. I've been forced to satisfy my craving on my own (without her made-from-scratch flavoring syrups, local Snowville Cream, and coffee expertise).

This is what I've come up with after asking 'The Google':

For anyone who's interested, there are benefits of cold-brewing:

1) Less acidic coffee. This has to do with oils that are released by the hot water and don't dissolve at lower temperatures. The oils have acidic compounds responsible for coffee's bitterness.
2) More flavor. The natural undertones of the coffee are more detectable because of the lower acidity.
3) Very easy & you don't need fancy equipment. In fact, I didn't have to buy anything at all.
4) Coffee cubes. The Iced Coffee recipe can easily be frozen in ice cube trays and used as a substitute for ice, which waters down your coffee drink or coffee cocktails.

Friday, May 3, 2013

I Did It: State String Art

I've seen this on Pinterest quite a few times (Follow me here) and I've been wanting to try it. I didn't have to buy anything and it really didn't take that long. If you can hammer a bunch of nails in straight without hitting your fingers too many times, you can totally do this too.

I painted one red nail for my hometown and the other for the city where I've been going to school for the past 4 years. Go Bucks!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I Did It: Multi-chain Necklace

I can't remember the source of my inspiration, but I picked up a bunch of chain and ribbon during a Michael's sale to make these necklaces. Quick & easy! 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I Did It: Art Deco Nails

I saw this on Pinterest and although my tutorial isn't as professional and my nails aren't as pretty, you get the idea.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Our Halloween DIY

My boyfriend and I wanted a couple's costume this year. The decision...

Woody & Bo Peep!

The dress was long, but I folded it up under the corset ($6 on Amazon). I found the bonnet on etsy ($4) and my uncle made the staff out of plastic piping. His shirt is from the thrift store and we stuck black felt spots onto a white vest with double-sided tape. 

I'd call it a success and everyone knew who he was immediately. My staff and bonnet didn't last long so it took people a little longer to figure it out.

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